10 November 2005 at the exhibition «Salon-wheel-drive vehicles - 4Wd Salon» The award ceremony took place on the annual premium of professional automotive journalists «cross the year». 10 November 2005 at the exhibition «Salon
Car - 4Wd Salon »The award ceremony was held the annual
professional premium automotive journalists «cross the year».
Guests include (but are approximately 180 people) eagerly awaited culmination - the most ad-among the most worthy. Total applicants was 69, they competed in 12 categories and two classes Parties to the jury (professional jury - officers known reputable automotive media and «grand jury» - sms-members, Internet voting and people completed the questionnaires and send them by e-mail). From July to October voted, our members of the jury. So for all these months, by order Prize «cross the Year» company ROMIR Monitoring conducted the study. The audience took part in the survey of more than 25000 people. Results Poll: 63% of respondents - are the owners of vehicles. And if further analysis the views of respondents who own their vehicle (N = 1710). In most of the respondents (44%) driving experience is more than ten years, from 39% - from 3 to 10 years, 15% - less than 3 years and 2% respondents said that the car did not drive themselves. third respondents using cars, which were issued in 2002 and later another third of those surveyed cars 1990-1997 year of production, from 28% - Cars 1998-2001. and cars that were released before 1989, are available for 12% of participants survey. 26% of respondents owned SUV, 74% - other types vehicles. More than half of respondents (57%) plan for the next year to buy a new car, with 71% of them plan to buy SUV. main prize of the annual Professional Award Automotive journalists «cross year» pickup Great Wall Deer G3, kindly provided by the company «IRITO» on the basis of a random sample of participants sms-voting and questionnaire won Jurchenko Dmitry from Moscow region. He were solemnly handed over the keys to the car. organizers express their thanks to all sponsors and partners who participated in the first Annual Prize of professional automotive journalists «cross year»: official sponsor - the company Henkel, as well as «IRITO», «Mail.ru», «Kosmos-TV», «Romir Monitoring», «Aerogrupp», «Thule», «Warn», «Berkut», «Country Gifts »,« Moscow time »,« L'OrangeGYM », magazines« 4x4 Club », Men'sHealth, «5Koleso», «Big City», «BRIO», «profile», «Transaero», radio station «Echo Moscow », Internet portals Auto.ru, Auto-dealer.ru, Autonet.ru, companies Magitel and Peremenka.ru. Ceremony took place, and the winners named. In 2006 year will be nominated the new members!
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